— Diary, Programming — 2 min read
Excited for the Crio event today. I have no idea what to expect and building a portfolio is probably the last thing that I want to do right now. Just signed up for Adsense and it was tricky to modify the SEO component to integrate the script. Phew!
It's almost 13:30 and the new Leetcode challenge is about to be posted. Today's challenge is...drum roll please...Word Ladder
Wow, a graph question that took so much time. But I'm glad I was able to solve it. Pretty sure there could be a better approach but it was the best I could do. It really helped putting everything on a paper to get the idea of how the whole thing works.
Approach :
Start from the beginWord
and generate the possible conversions from that by changing a letter. So mad
can become *ad
, m*d
, and ma*
. Whatever of these words exist in the original list but we haven't visited, we put them in a queue.
And do the same thing till we reach the endWord
, incrementing the counter each time queue empties.
1vector<string> getNeighbors(string str) {2 vector<string> v;3 for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {4 char org = str[i];5 for (int j = 0; j < 26; j++) {6 str[i] = j + 'a';7 v.push_back(str);8 }9 str[i] = org;10 }11 return v;12}1314int ladderLength(string beginWord, string endWord, vector<string> &wordList) {15 queue<string> q; // Keep track of neighbors16 unordered_set<string> s(wordList.begin(), wordList.end()); // O(1)1718 if (s.find(endWord) == s.end()) return 0; // end word not in set1920 s.erase(beginWord); // same word twice? (Noop)21 q.push(beginWord); // Initial queue22 int trans = 0; // Level in BFS2324 while (!q.empty()) {25 trans++;26 int qSize = q.size(); // Initial queue size27 for (int i = 0; i < qSize; i++) {28 string currWord = q.front();29 q.pop(); // Remove from queue (black)30 if (currWord == endWord) return trans;31 vector<string> v = getNeighbors(currWord);32 for (int m = 0; m < v.size(); m++) {33 if (s.find(v[m]) != s.end()) { // If not exists34 s.erase(v[m]); // Remove from set (white)35 q.push(v[m]); // Add to queue (grey)36 }37 }38 }39 }40 return 0; // If couldn't reach endWord41}
The time complexity for O(26 * M^2 * N)
where M is the length of each word, and N is the number of words. So asymptotically it is O(M^2 * N)
and space complexity O(M * N)
for the word set.
I am not sure I want to implement this code in Go
. Yeah, maybe some other time.
Have been thinking about some open source contributions, but every time there's the same issue of not being able to find a project. So I thought I could use my <HideContent />
component and make it a standalone library with some cool features like preprocessing the input and encrypting the password with firebase or custom API.
Just attended the Crio Winter of Doing event. So what I understood from there is that there are some modules that need to be completed. The thing is that I already know a lot of that stuff but I have to go through all those modules if I want to process to stage 2 which is frustrating.
I started with the HTTP Module and they are teaching about reading request and response objects from Chrome Developer Tools. Then concepts about HTTP Methods (GET
, ...)
Will continue tomorrow.
Created some issues on GitHub in React repository and talked about setting up own server. Guess the downtime was a good thing! 😉
Still have to decide if we should use PostgreSQL or MongoDB, Node.js or nestjs. Always wanted to work on back-end. Yay!
Bye! Been a long time since I wrote like this.