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Paras Gupta

Jan 12 - Daily Programming Diary

Diary, Programming, LocalHackDay2 min read


Starting to migrate Raahee Blog to Markdown.


It's been a whole day of work and I haven't written anything yet, so I'm gonna divide this into subsection with the work that I did.


I worked on Raahee till approximately 4:30. The majority of that time was taken by actually looking for the best choice of markdown for our use case. Since none of the Markdown Editors I found had internal link support, I decided to pick rich-markdown-editor for the simple reason that people writing the blog may not be having knowledge to write Markdown using syntax, so this allows for them to modify using mouse. Neat! I know. :)

MLH LocalHackDay

Today's challenges took a lot of time since I decided to pick up some ambitious projects.

  1. The first challenge was playing the chrome dino game. Easy! Yeah!
    Then came the programming challenges.

  2. The next challenge I picked was one where we had to build something to save food. In my opinion if you have a good cook, food will never go to waste! 😂
    But I had to develop something. So I made a project that could take input of the ingredients that you have in your fridge/readily available and it will give you recipes according to that. This took me around 2 hours since designing the front-end without Bootstrap and MaterialUI, after being dependent on React for so long was a tough task.

    Food App

  3. Then arrived the challenge of making a Tic Tac Toe game. I had built it using Java when I was in first year so I decided to take on JavaScript since that was what I had been working with all day. Also, I didn't have Java SDK and all of that. So I started building and decided to take help in front end from a website, and when I was done, it was already 14:30. Nevertheless, it looked pretty good, but I guess that's what happens when you take someone else's CSS. 😛

    Tic Tac Toe

  4. The third programming task of the day was to build a Random Number Generator, and it goes without saying that we couldn't use internal random functions. So I remembered what I had studied in 6th semester about Linear Congruential Generator and decided to write the code for that. Was done with that pretty quickly, cuz you know C++

    1#include <bits/stdc++.h>
    2using namespace std;
    4int Random(int Xo, int m, int a, int c) {
    5 cout << Xo << " ";
    6 return ((Xo * a) + c) % m;
    9int main() {
    10 int Xo = 2432; // Initial value
    11 int m = 134456; // mod
    12 int a = 8121; // Multiply
    13 int c = 28411; // add
    15 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    16 Xo = Random(Xo, m, a, c);
    17 }
    19 return 0;
  5. Now what turned out to be the most ambitious project of today. Making an app that fetches emotions from facial expressions and gets a song according to that from the Spotify API. This project took almost 2 hours and some sleep. I used face-api.js for the extraction, which was really hard to use but since I had explored it the previous night, it helped me a lot. I know, I know, time for an image.

    Mood Music

    Don't mind the hand, there was a lot of light coming from behind, so it was behaving a bit finicky.

Well those were all the daily challenges that I decided to pick up for today and it has been a really tiring day.

Wow, my brain is completely shut down. Took so much time to write code for this simple problem.

1ListNode *addTwoNumbers(ListNode *l1, ListNode *l2)
3 ListNode *head = NULL, *prev = NULL;
4 int carry = 0;
5 while (l1 || l2)
6 {
7 int v1 = l1 ? l1->val : 0;
8 int v2 = l2 ? l2->val : 0;
9 int tmp = v1 + v2 + carry;
10 carry = tmp / 10;
11 int val = tmp % 10;
12 ListNode *cur = new ListNode(val);
13 if (!head)
14 head = cur;
15 if (prev)
16 prev->next = cur;
17 prev = cur;
18 l1 = l1 ? l1->next : NULL;
19 l2 = l2 ? l2->next : NULL;
20 }
21 if (carry > 0)
22 {
23 ListNode *l = new ListNode(1);
24 prev->next = l;
25 }
26 return head;

I'll attend the event at 22:30 tonight and then sleep. Let's see how many points I have. 🎉


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  • Raahee
  • This blog
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